Castle Farm, Marshfield, Nr Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN14 8HU
01225 891469

Stovax Huntingdon 25 ECO

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It may be the smallest stove in the Stovax Huntingdon range, but the Huntingdon 25 wood burning and multi-fuel stove provides virtually all the features of larger models and is specially designed to suit everything from a country cottage to a modern townhouse. It is ideal for burning logs yet is equally proficient with smokeless fuels or peat briquettes. In fact, the compact Huntingdon 25 is just the stove to bring you a picture of comfort.





Body materialCast Iron
Rated output5kw
SIA Ecodesign
Yes - more information
Smoke control area approvedYes
Cleanburn / Airwash
Room vent required
No - *unless the house was built after 2008- See Doc J page 17
External air supply option
Flue connection125mm - top or rear interchangable
Maximum log length280mm
Fuel type
Grate / Ashpan
Suitable for 12mm HearthNo